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Graphics Localization to Enhance Your Global Strategy


A website without quality visuals is incomplete. They carry a lot of information and appeal to all demographic groups. Various platforms, including technical guides, promotional materials, websites, and software, all heavily employ the same graphics in their content. Graphic localization is important when making your page accessible in a target language to a global audience, so it is important not to ignore it!

Are you seeking a professional who can do your graphic localization for you? We have an experienced team of graphic designers, translators, UX specialists and much more. With over 30 years of expertise in the market, it makes us a reliable choice for your project. Send us an enquiry and see how quickly we respond!


Graphic localization allows you to connect directly with your audience. Movies like Jungle Book, Toy Story and Inside Out were all massive successes, and not just because of their great animation. Their creators took the process of adapting content for the target market seriously, adding images and even entire scenes for the specific audience. If you want to gain the trust and hearts of people all over the world, then you need to localize your content, including the graphics.

Thanks to having great graphic localization, you avoid costly mistakes. A harmless symbol in one country could easily be offensive elsewhere. At best, it will just be misunderstood and lost in the translation, but it could go the other way. No brand wants a PR disaster due to an oversight, so get it right the first time, by trusting an experienced translating agency.

Are you looking for an investment? Content localization can help you with that. Show potential stakeholders that you are a serious player by localizing your graphics. If you are aiming to impress partners from culturally distant countries, like China, Japan, or the Arab world, then do not translate—localize. Localized content speaks volumes about your serious intentions, telling investors you are a safe bet.

If you are expanding globally, then multimedia localization is far more than just nice to have—it is a must. Make the smart choice now, and watch it pay off in the near future.


Graphic localization in different languages is a complex process, and it is important to take care of the various elements in order to make an impact. See for yourself what needs to be done.


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    Text within referenced graphics requires, alongside translation, ensuring that the font, size, and style align with the design and are legible. Your preferred fonts might not support Chinese characters or Russian letters or make them impossible to decipher. Occasionally, it is necessary to rearrange the design elements to accommodate the right-to-left or up-to-down flow. The overall composition should remain balanced and visually engaging.


    Colour schemes might carry cultural baggage in terms of emotions and values. In some Western contexts, green is associated with nature and the environment. On the other hand, in many Muslim countries, it is considered a religious colour, reserved for Islam.


    Symbols and icons seem universal but might not be so across different cultures. A thumbs up is a widely used sign of approval in many Western nations but can be considered rude in parts of West Africa, the Middle East, and South America. Occasionally, it is even compared to showing the middle finger.


    Photos containing individuals, gestures, attire, and settings should be in line with local customs. An advertisement showing beachwear might work in Australia or the United States but will be inappropriate in more conservative countries.

    graphic designer works at computer Graphics Localization Skrivanek
    Graphics Localization sbth. creates logo Skrivanek


    The translation of text layers in graphics is more challenging than a translation of a Microsoft Word or PDF file. We work with screen captures, user interfaces and photos to localize all the necessary captions. We also use a range of professional tools to ensure that everything is done correctly.

    For text translation, we employ computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, to make sure that the localized versions keep a consistent terminology. For managing the workflows, storing translation memories, and integrating with design tools, we utilize translation management systems (TMS).

    To extract the graphic text from the source art files, then we work with optical character recognition (OCR) tools. This facilitates the entire translation process.

    We use graphic design software to modify visual elements, adapt layouts, and change embedded text. After the translation, the text layers often expand, overlapping the graphic elements. To keep it neat and readable, often we need to manually reposition different components. Professional vector graphics editors facilitate the resizing and reshaping of images without any loss of quality.


    Employing a professional translation agency means immediate access to experts from various fields. Imagine launching a health app in Spain: you would need to deal with far more than the translation, as you would need to ensure that all the text from the interface to the push notifications adheres to all the local health terminology and guidelines. This helps you in avoiding all potential legal hiccups as well as enhancing the user’s experience.

    With professional localization of the referenced graphic files in the target language, you avoid costly mistakes by ensuring the use of accurate technical and cultural translations right from the get-go. If we consider a German car manual translated for the U.S. market, not only must the agency ensure that not only is the language correct, but also that the measurements are converted to the local standard (miles instead of kilometers) and the terminologies are adapted.

    Experienced translators consider the target audience when localizing the graphics. Advertising a new American soda in the UK requires a slightly different approach. An agency helps you to hit the mark by tailoring the message. They are experts in employing local jokes, cultural references, and other values to create a good campaign.

    With a translation agency, you save time and resources. You can get it right from the start while ensuring that your message resonates locally. Do you want to ask us about our localization process? Give us a call or write an email! We are always happy to help you.




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